Integrations / Telegram


Build Telegram bots in minutes, without coding: wallet bots, crypto bots, sushiswap, bitcoin, NFTs, and more.

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Tutorials and articles

Cover Image for Get Alerts For Changes In Your NFT Portfolio Without Coding - Fast and Easy
Tudor M

Tudor MTelegram

Get Alerts For Changes In Your NFT Portfolio Without Coding - Fast and Easy

In order to create a bot that will post every time an NFT from a certain collection lands or leaves your wallet, all you need to do is to use this recipe that we have already created for you!

Cover Image for Superfluid Alert Bot
Tomás Puricelli

Tomás PuricelliSuperfluid

Superfluid Alert Bot

Make sure your Superfluid streams are not being turned off because of lack of Super Token Balance!

Cover Image for How to Move Crypto to Cold Storage Automatically (the Easy Way)
Krystle Blough

Krystle BloughSmart Actions

How to Move Crypto to Cold Storage Automatically (the Easy Way)

The best cold storage wallet is the one you actually transfer to regularly. Fortunately, that’s easy to do with any cold wallet (Ledger, Trezor, even a paper wallet), especially if you automate it. All without a single line of code.

Cover Image for What is the BRC-20 token standard? (and 4 bots to help you profit!)
Benji Gogan

Benji GoganTelegram

What is the BRC-20 token standard? (and 4 bots to help you profit!)

BRC-20 is the new token standard allowing users to mint, transfer and trade tokens on the bitcoin network. Currently this new token standard is a hot topic which is the subject of many heated exchanges between Bitcoin purists and those who support building and experimenting on the flagship crypto network.